1. User profile and justification
Age: 12 to 50
Gender : male > famale
Education : High school or Higher
Occupation: student, white collar, IT etc
Family income: 20000 to 100000
Personality : Easy to accept new things,
Loves science and technology ,
Used to learn from the internet
(facebook, blogger, twitter etc)
Hobbies : Seeing films,
Reading science magazines
Internet Surfing, etc
My blog is about a most updated movie technology. Commonly, the people pay attention to those kind of topic is always young and studious, they are easy and willing to accept new things. Thay may have good education backgrounds to understand and handle the physic and mathmatic concepts in the articles.
At the same time, no matter the reader is a student or a company staff, their family income should be at least "OK", so they can go to movie theatre and enjoy the 3D film often.
And last but not least, They must fans of seeing films!
2. brief summary
In my blog, I talked about the 3D film technology, I mainly wrote 5 articles to tell the readers the prienciples and special designs about this tech. After telling my readers about the concept and theories, I pick up some examples and critical comments to deeply introduce the pros and cons about 3D film, and finally draw a conlcltion, as well as the future perspectives.
In order to catch my readers and keep them pay attention to my blog, I keep on uploading the newest informations and news about 3D technology and 3D films, so that people may go to my blog again and again to see whether there are some new matetials or not.
3. The approaches/ tools/ experience you use/have to prepare your blog
I love seeing film, especially 3D movies, and I am also a student studing CS cources, So I decided to choose a topic which can cover them all, that is _ the 3D films.
Before I started working on designing on my blog, I surfed the internet everyday to read the related articles and downloading useful resouces. I went to wikipedia to find the basic defination about 3D film, appriciated others blogs or websites to collect the ideas and asked with my friends to give comments.
After finishing all these works, after considerate again and again, I decided to start my own work!
4. The approaches /strategies you use to attract /retain reader
a, I put beautiful and changeable 3D pictures and film posters in my blog to attract people.
b, I added a short video after every teaching articles as a "Fun Time", to make people feel free and relax
c, I put several useful links and resources at the end of every article, so that readers can find more if they want to click them
d, I carefully designed the name of all the links, the titles of all the articles,the keywords of each page and the aggrvation about my blog, so that my rank for the search engine might be high, that makes web users more easily to find my blog.
e, I keep on updating the neweast informations and news about 3D technology and 3D films, so that people may go to my blog again and again to see whether there are some new matetials or not.
5. Self-reflection on the assignment
I think I really pay much effort on my assignment to make reader love my blog, I learned a lot from it, not only the concepts about the technology, the way of making a good blog, but also to share the things I love with others, I enjoy this work and hope everybody like my " FANTASTIC 3D FILM" !!!!!!!